Thursday, April 10, 2008

Timeout Doesn't Stop For Sunburn

The timeout corner rarely takes a sick day.


We 5 Peas said...

Good mommy. Don't give in. Be strong! We have to stick together in this, too, because they want us to cave. Madelyn looks so pitiful when I put her in timeout... but it's best. She says she'll be calling Parker later so they can complain about it, though. ;)

Braiden and his family said...

I cant believe he actually sits there by himself. There is no way Braiden would, I have to hold him in the corner for the minute of timeout.

Jenn said...

Yeah Mommy!!! Though that face looks just a little more pitiful with that sunburn, you stayed strong! I love it!! ((but he sure is cute!))

The Titsworth Family said...

Tracie he looks SO pitiful! I can't believe he got sunburned so bad. Poor Parker!